Raised Toilet Seats

raised toilet seats ConnecticutRaised Toilet Seats: Patient Guidelines


Raised Toilet Seats allow a patient to more easily get up from and down to a regular home toilet. There are many different varieties. The least expensive are blown plastic and simply fit on the toilet bowl. This style has no clamps and therefore is inherently more unstable.

Other types come with clips, brackets, and locking brackets that clamp securely to the rim of the toilet.   Splash guards are provided on the underside of the seat to prevent liquids from splashing onto the bathroom floor.

Always make sure to exert force only straight down when getting up and down or transferring to and from any toilet seat. This is especially critical if you have the kind of raised seat that does not lock down. Even seats with brackets and locks may be tipped out of the toilet bowl if care is not exercised. Serious injury may result.

Since all bathroom toilets are not uniform in size and shape, it may be necessary to equip your seat with optional oversized clips or locking brackets to achieve a safe installation.

If it is necessary for you to do lateral or sliding transfers to and from the seat, you should select a model with locking brackets, front and rear.   If you will be sitting for long periods of time consider a padded seat. If you have skin pressure problems you will need a heavily padded model.

When using the raised toilet seat, we recommend the use of toilet safety rails.  The products are complementary and use of the two together greatly enhance patient safety and independence.

Read and follow carefully the manufacturer’s installation instructions provided with your particular raised toilet seat.


Raised toilet seats are purchase-only items and the warranty is 6 months from the time of sale.